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Anna University Question Papers for Automobile Engineering

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Anna university question papers for Automobile Engineering ( AU ) department/branch semester examination. Download old papers, solved question banks, important questions with answers, Model question papers, important 16marks and 2marks questions with answer, syllabus, reference book for each subject for B.E / B.Tech 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2017 regulation for Anna university Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli/Trichy, Tirunelveli and Madurai affiliated colleges.

Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the semester exam order of first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.

Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination.



1st & 2nd Semester Papers: Click Here
      3rd SEMESTER - Third:

      Transforms and Partial Differential Equation - MA2211
        Engineering Thermodynamics - ME2202/AT2203
        Fluid Mechanics and Machinery - ME2204
        Automotive Engines - AT2201
        Mechanics of Machines - AE2201
        AE 2253 Production Technology

        MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
        ME6301 Engineering Thermodynamics
        CE6451 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
        AT6301 Automotive Engines
        AT6302 Mechanics of Machines
        ME6352 Manufacturing Technology

        4th SEMESTER - Fourth:

        Statistics And Numerical Methods - MA2266
        AT 2251 Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
        Engineering Materials and Metallurgy - ME2253
        Strength of Materials - ME2254
        Electronics and Microprocessors - ME2255
        AT 2252 Automotive Chassis

        MA6452 Statistics and Numerical Methods
        AT6401 Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
        ME6403 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
        CE6306 Strength of Materials
        EC6464 Electronics and Microprocessors
        AT6402 Automotive Chassis

        5th SEMESTER - Fifth:

        Environmental Science and Engineering - GE 2021
        Design of Machine Elements - ME2303
        Automotive Transmission - AT2301
        Automotive Electrical and Electronic System - AT2302

        AT2303 Vehicle Design and Data Characteristics
        AT2305 Automotive Fuels and Lubricants

        GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
        ME6503 Design of Machine Elements
        AT6501 Automotive Transmission
        AT6502 Automotive Electrical and Electronics System
        AT6503 Vehicle Design Data Characteristics
        AT6504 Automotive Fuels and Lubricants

        6th SEMESTER - Sixth:
        Transport And Management
        AT2351 Automotive Engine Components Design
        AT2352 Automotive Chassis Components Design

        Two and Three Wheelers - AT2353

        Finite Element Analysis - ME2353
        Professional Ethics in Engineering / Professional Ethics And Human Values - GE2025
        AT2021 Automotive Air-conditioning
        AT2022 Alternate Fuels and Energy Systems
        AT2023 Vibration , Noise and Harshness Control
        AT2024 Advanced Theory of I.C. Engines
        ME2021 Quality Control and Reliability Engineering
        AT2037 Metrology and Instrumentation

        MG6851 Principles of Management
        AT6601 Automotive Engine Components Design
        AT6602 Automotive Chassis Components Design
        AT6603 Two and Three Wheelers
        AT6604 Vehicle Dynamics
        GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
        AT6001 Automotive Air-Conditioning
        AT6002 Alternative Fuels and Energy System
        AT6003 Noise, Vibration and Harshness
        AT6004 Advance Theory of IC Engines
        AT6005 Metrology and Instrumentation

        7th SEMESTER - Seventh:

        AT2401 Engine and Vehicle Management System
        AT2402 Vehicle Dynamics
        AT2403 Vehicle Maintenance
        AT2404 Automotive Pollution and Control
        ME2030 Composite Materials
        ME 2029 Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Press Tools
        ME2028 Robotics
        AT2029 New Generation and Hybrid Vehicles
        AT2028 Computer Simulation of I.C. Engines
        AT2026 Supercharging And Scavenging
        AT2027 Automotive Aero-dynamics
        AT2030 Off Road Vehicles
        AT2031 Project and Materials Management
        AT2032 Engine Auxiliary Systems

        Automotive Embedded Systems
        AT6701 Engine and Vehicle Management System
        ME6603 Finite Element Analysis
        AT6702 Vehicle Maintenance
        AT6703 Automotive Pollution and Control
        AT6006 Manufacturing of Automotive Components
        ME6006 Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Press Tools
        ME6010 Robotics
        AT6007 New Generation and Hybrid Vehicles
        AT6008 Computer Simulation of IC Engines
        ME6007 Composite Materials and Mechanics
        AT6009 Automotive Aerodynamics
        AT6010 Off Road Vehicles
        AT6011 Automotive Safety
        AT6012 Engine Auxiliary Systems

        8th SEMESTER - Eighth:

        AT2451 Vehicle Body Engineering
        MG2021 Marketing Management

        Entrepreneurship Development - ME2035
        ME2038 Operations Research
        Total Quality Management - GE 2022
          AT2033 Automotive Safety
          AT2034 Fuel Cell Technology

          Transport Management - AT2035
          AT6801 Vehicle Body Engineering
          AT6013 Transport Management
          MG6071 Entrepreneurship Development
          ME6015 Operations Research
          GE6757 Total Quality Management

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