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Visvesvaraya Technological University Syllabus - VTU

Download Visvesvaraya Technological University ( VTU ) syllabus and CBCS schemes for various department for BE / B.Tech, B.Planning, ME / M.Tech, MBA, MCA and B. Arch examination of the affiliated college of VTU in Bangalore, Belagavi, Kalaburagi, Mysore, Gulbarga and Belgaum. You can get syllabus for each semester for the schemes and syllabus for year 2010, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2019. You can also find the details syllabus for each subjects in a semester. Find syllabus for Civil, IT, ECE, CSE, EEE, ISE, ME, TE, Chemical, BT, IT etc engineering branches. All the documents are in PDF format.

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UG Degree - BE / B.Tech / B. Arch / B. Planning:

PG Degree - ME / M.Tech / MBA / MCA:

Scheme & Syallabus for Mechanical Board
Scheme & Syllabus for Automobile Board
Scheme & Syllabus for Civil Board
Scheme & Syallabus for IM Board
Scheme & Syllabus for BIOTECHNOLOGY BOARD
Scheme & Syallabus for Aeronautical Engg  BOARD
Scheme & Syllabus for IT BOARD
Scheme & Syllabus for Electrical Board
Scheme & Syllabus for Electronics Board
Scheme & Syallabus  Computer Science board

MCA Syllabus: 

List of UG Course offered at VTU :

Ceramics & Cement Technology    CC
Civil Engineering    CV
Environmental Engineering    EV
Mechanical Engineering    ME
Mining Engineering    MI
Electrical & Electronics Engineering*    EE
Electronics & Comm Engineering    EC
Telecommunication Engineering    TE
Computer Science & Engineering    CS
Information Science & Engineering    IS
Industrial & Production Engineering    IP
Industrial Engineering & Management    IM
Manufacturing Science & Engineering    MA
Biomedical Engineering    BM
Instrumentation Technology    IT
Medical Electronics    ML
Bio-technology    BT
Polymer Science & Technology    PM
Silk Technology    ST
Textile Technology    TX
Automobile Engineering    AU

List of PG Course offered at VTU :

Aeronautical Engineering

 M.Arch. Habitat Design (BMSCE, Bangalore)
 M.Arch. Urban Design (RVCE, Bangalore)


Business Administration
 Master of Business Administration

Chemical / Polymer Science
 Chemical Engineering

 Computer Aided Design of Structures
 Construction Technology
 Highway Technology
 Structural Engineering
 Transportation Engineering & Management
 Environmental Engineering

 Computer Engineering
 Computer Network Engineering
 Computer Science & Engineering
 Information Technology
 Software Engineering

E & C
 Communication Systems
 Digital Communication (& Engineering)
 Digital Communication & Networking
 Digital Electronics
 Digital Electronics & Communication
 Digital Electronics & Communication Systems
 Industrial Electronics
 Information & Communication Systems
 Network & Internet Engineering
 VLSI Design & Embedded Systems
 Signal Processing

 Computer Applications in Industrial Drives
 Energy Systems & Management
 Micro Electronics & Control Systems
 Power System Engineering
 Power Electronics

 Manufacturing Science & Engineering
 Master of Engineering Management
 Product Design & Manufacturing
 Production Engineering & System Technology
 Production Engineering
 Production Management
 Production Technology

 Bio-Medical Signal Processing & Instrumentation

Mechanical Engineering
 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
 Design Engineering
 Machine Design
 Thermal Power Engineering
 Tool Engineering
 Engineering Analysis & Design
 Industrial Automation and Robotics
 Automotive Engineering
 Computational Analysis in Mechanical Sciences

Silk / Textile
 Textile Technology

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  1. could u pls tell me the m tech thermal power engg syllabus.....my mail ID is maheshingalagi0@gmail.com

  2. I need VTU 2006 scheme syllabus for 1st year and 3-8 th sem for ECE - mail me at prathikrockin@gmail.com

  3. Will u please send the syllabus copy of 2012 scheme in VLSI (Mtech) for first sem ..my mail id is manjunavale00@gmail.com

  4. Will u please send the syllabus copy of 2012 scheme in VLSI (Mtech) for first sem ..my mail id is manjunavale00@gmail.com

  5. I need the Engineering Mathematics syllabus for 2006, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sem maths. Could you please help me and if you have this, please send a copy to yashavanth.yadav@gmail.com

  6. Hi,
    Please send me syllabus copy for 2002-2006 Medical Electronics. My mail id is chewbecca888@gmail.com

  7. can you send the civil engineering syllabus of University of Mysore for Four Year Scheme(FYS).
    Umesh Reddy

  8. Could you please mail me the 2006 scheme syllabus copy for computer science branch for 1 to 8 sems ! Mail to blessypjohnson@gmail.com.

  9. Could you please send 2006 scheme and syllabus for MTech in vlsi design and embedded systems to my mail Id praveena_7308@yahoo.co.in

  10. I need Information Science 2006 syllabus copy, could you please email it to praveenknjun12@gmail.com, It's quite urgent. Thank you.

  11. I need a syllabus copy of Information Science 2006 scheme, could you please email me the copy. It is quite immediate. Thank you.

  12. Could you please email me syllabus copy of ECE 2006. my email id is soundaryapatel14@gmail.com

  13. can you please email me the VTU syllabus for 2006 ECE

  14. Can you please email me the syllabus for Engineering Mathematics-1,Engineering Mathematics-2,Engineering Mathematics-3,Engineering Mathematics-4 for 2006

  15. can anyone help me with mechatronics 2006 scheme syllabus
    thank you

  16. Can you please email me the VTU Electronics and Communication Engineering 2006 scheme syllabus

  17. Can you please email me 2006 ECE syllabus book ? secretsanta.rci@gmail.com

    THankss in advance

  18. Hi there, I am looking for 2006 Chemical Engineering syllabus. Can you please email me on priyeshnitnaware@gmail.com

  19. Do you have syllabus for 2006 ECE syllabus and scheme? can you email me if you do have please? rizzyrai@gmail.com

  20. Can anyone share the 2006 ECE VTU syllabus? yitplusrisks@gmail.com

  21. Can you please email ne 2002-2006 ECE Syllabus/Course Curriculum Copy to suguna72@gmail.com

  22. Can you please email me 2002-2006 ECE Syllabus Copy from VTU to naseemine@gmail.com
