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Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTU
Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
10CS32 Electronic Circuits
10CS32 Electronic Circuits
Third Semester - 3th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
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10CS32: Electronics Circuits.
Question Bank.
*Refer the circuit diagrams from the PDF file named Circuits.pdf
1. Discuss with neat sketches, the relation of operating point of the for the transistor for the
following cases: i)Neat saturation region ii)Neat cut=off region ;iii)at the centre of active
2. For the circuit shown(fig.1) calculate Ib,Ic,Vce,Vc,Ve,Vb,and Vbc. Assume B=100 -----------------8M
3. Explain the basic methods of triggering SCR.-----------------------------------------------------------------4M
4. With a neat figures explain the construction and operational principle of an UJT.--------------10M
5. Explain Thermal runaway with reference to the transistors.---------------------------------------------4M
6. Find the values of the resistors Rb,Rc,Re and the transistor gain B for the circuit shown the fig 4.
given that Ib=40 micro amps, Ic=4mA Ve=2V,Vce=12V and supply voltage VCC=15V.-------------5M
7. Explain the effects of collector resistor, base current and supply voltage on the operating point
of a fixed bias circuit. Which is the ideal position for an operating point on the BJT fixed bias
transistor circuit? Explain the above with neat diagrams.------------------------------------------10M
8. What is the operating point for the following voltage divider bias circuit(fig.8)?-------------------8M
1. What is the difference between JFET and MOSFET? ----------------------------------------------------- 5M
2. With the help of at fig, explain the construction of N-Channel depletion MOSFET--------------10M
3. Fig.5 shows a biasing configuration using DE-MOSFET. Given that the saturation drain current is
8mA. And the pinch off voltage is -2V.Determine the value of gate-source voltage, drain current
and the drain voltage.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5M
4. Explain with neat sketches, the operation of JFET along with its characteristics curve----------8M
5. Discuss merits, demerits and applications of IGBT’s-------------------------------------------------------7M
6. Explain the working of N-channel E-MOSFET with neat diagram. Explain the output
Characteristics of the same.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10M
7. Find the values of voltages Vd and Vc for the circuit shown(Fig.9).Assume β=100.Vbe=0.7v,
Saturation drain current of JFET is-10ma and pinch off voltage is -5V.----------------------------10M
1. Discuss the classification of the optoelectronic devices in detail----------------------------------------6M
2. Explain with neat sketches the principle of operation of JFET along with its characteristics,
advantages, disadvantages and applications of photodiode-------------------------------------------8M
3. Briefly discuss with the necessary diagrams the basic operation and construction of LED. ------6M
4. Define the following terms i)responsivity (R) ii) Noise Equivalent power(NEP)iii)Directivity,
iv)Quantum efficiency V)response time.-------------------------------------------------------------5M
5. What is phototransistor? Draw the schematic symbol of phototransistor. Explain VI
characteristics of phototransistor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------5M
6. Explain different modes of operation of LCD display------------------------------------------------10M
7. Explain photodiode, phorosensor, photoconductor and photo transistors with necessary
8. Find the value of RL for the circuit shown in (fig.10). such that the circuit gives a logic high when
the light incident on it is above 200 lux and the photoconductor has the resistance of 14KΩ at a
light level of 100 lux, α=0.5,power supply voltage is Vcc=10V And reference voltage of zener
diode is 3.5V----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10M
9. A photo diode has a noise current of 1*10-15 A,responsivity of 0.5 A/W,active area of 1mm2 and
rise time of 3.5ns.Determine its i)NEP;ii)Detectivity;iii)D*;iv)Quantum efficiency at 850nm.---4M
1. Draw the generalized H-Parameter model of the transistor based amplifier and derive the
expression for: i)current gain ii)input impedance iii)Voltage gain iv)output admittance.------10M
2. With a neat fig, explain the operation of Darlington amplifier.---------------------------------------5M
3. What are cascade amplifiers? What are the advantages offered by cascade amplifiers? --------5M
4. Explain common emitter, common collector amplifier along with its a.c. equivalent circuit.----4M
5. In the common collector shown in fig 2. the transistor parameters hie = 1.2k, hfe=-101,hre=1
and hoe=25 micro ampere/v. Calculate Ri, Ai, Av, and Ro for the circuit.------------------------- 8M
6. Graphically how h-parameters of a BJT are determined? Explain with a neat diagram. Also derive
expression for input impedance and voltage gain for BJT amplifiers.---------------------------------10M
7. Given a hybrid equivalent circuit shown, in Fig. (12 ) find input impedance, voltage gain ,current
gain and output impedance. The h-parameters are hie=1.5k,hfe=100,hre=1*10 -4,hoe=25μA/v --