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Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTU
Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
Object Oriented Modelling and Design - 10CS71
Seventh Semester - 7th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
Object Oriented Modelling and Design - 10CS71
Seventh Semester - 7th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
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Introduction, Modeling concepts, Class modeling
1 What is object orientation?
2 What are the four aspects of object oriented approach? Explain
3 Explain the terms: Identity,classification,inheritance,polymorphism 4 What is object oriented development?
5 Advantages of object oriented development 6 Explain the stages of OO methodology?
7 What are the two parts of analysis model?
8 What are the jobs of a system designer and class designer 9 What is a class diagram, state diagram, use case diagram 10 Differentiate sequence and activity diagram
11 Explain the three system models
12 Define abstraction and encapsulation
13 How data and behavior can be combined in OO approach 14 Mention the advantages of sharing code in OO approach 15 What does OO approach emphasis on?
16 What are the applications of OO development? 17 Briefly discuss the history of OO modeling
18 What is meant by a model
19 Discuss the purposes of developing model
20 What is the purpose of class model, state model, interaction model 21 How are the three models related?
22 What is meant by a class 23 Define object
24 Differentiate class diagram and object diagrams with examples
25 What is meant by attribute, value of an attribute 26 With example differentiate value and object
27 Differentiate internal identifiers from real world attributes 28 What is meant by a)method b)operation
29 Write the modeling notation for classes 30 Differentiate links and associations
31 How do you implement links in OO languages Why links should not be modeled as references. 32 Define multiplicity
33 Differentiate cardinality and multiplicity 34 Why is multiplicity significant in modeling 35 Differentiate Bag and sequence
36 Mention two situations where association end names are useful? 37 What is a generalization. Give examples
38 What are qualified associations.
39 Explain how the following elements are traversed in class models a)attributes b)operations c)simple associations
Advanced Class Modeling, State Modeling
1 What is meant by enumeration? Give examples
2 Differentiate multiplicity of an association and multiplicity of attributes 3 What does scope indicate?
4 What are the possible values of visibility?
5 What are the issues to be considered when choosing visibility? 6 What are the properties of association ends?
7 What is the need for promoting n-ary associations to classes? 8 Differentiate aggregation and association.
9 Compare aggregation and composition.
10 What is meant by propagation .Give examples. 11 What are abstract classes. Give examples.
12 Explain the Types of multiple inheritance. 13 How do you eliminate multiple inheritance 14 Write notes on metadata and reification.
15 Explain the three types of constraints. Mention their uses. 16 Give some tips for devising packages.
17 What is a derived element. Specify their notation.
18 What is meant by an event.
19 Explain a signal event and its types.
20 What is a state. How is it denoted in UML? 21 Compare event and state.
22 Explain transitions and guard conditions. How a transition is denoted in UML? 23 Summarize the basic notations for a state diagram.
24 Draw and explain one shot state diagram. 25 Compare activity and do-activity.
26 What are completion transitions.
27 What is the purpose of a state diagram. Draw and explain a state diagram for Phone line.
Advanced State Modeling, Interaction Modeling.
1 What are the problems of flat state diagrams.
2 Explain the nested state diagram for telephone model. 3 Explain the different types of concurrencies.
4 How the concurrent activities are synchronized.
5 Draw and explain the state diagram for programmable thermostat. 6 Explain the relationship between class and state model.
7 Define: actor. Give examples.
8 What is an use case. Explain the use case summaries of a vending machine 9 Draw and explain the use case diagram of a vending machine.
10 What are the two types of sequence models. Explain them.
11 What are the issues to be considered in designing a sequence diagram.
12 What is an activity diagram. Explain the activity diagram for stock trade processing. 13 How branches are indicated in activity diagram.
14 How initiation and termination points are indicated in activity diagram.
15 Explain how the execution of activity diagrams are indicated. 16 Write short notes on include relationship.
17 Write short notes on extend relationship.
18 Explain sequence diagram with passive objects with an example. 19 Explain sequence diagram with transient objects with an example. 20 Differentiate active and passive objects.
21 What is the need for swim lanes in activity diagrams. 22 Explain the use case and sequence model with example.
23 Explain the nested states and nested state diagrams with example.
Process Overview, System Conception, Domain Analysis
1 Explain the stages of software development.
2 Explain the waterfall approach for software development.
3 Why iterative development is recommended for software development. 4 Prepare a problem statement for ATM network.
5 How to device a new system concept.
6 What are the requirements of a good system concept. 7 Prepare a problem statement for spelling checker.
8 What is domain analysis concerned with. 9 Give an overview of analysis.
10 What are the steps to construct a domain class model. 11 How to identify classes.
12 What are redundant, irrelevant and vague classes. 13 How to prepare a data dictionary.
14 What are the criterias to discard unnecessary associations. 15 How to identify attributes.
16 What are the criterias to discard unnecessary attributes. 17 How will you group classes.
18 How to organize classes using inheritance.
19 What are the steps to construct a domain state model. 20 How to refine analysis model.
Application analysis, System Design
1 What are the steps to construct an application analysis model. 2 Explain the steps to construct an application class model.
3 What are the decisions to be made during system design.
4 What are the two aspects of reuse.
5 What are the qualities of a good class library.
6 What are the problems of integrating class libraries from multiple sources. 7 What is meant by a framework.
8 What is a pattern.What are the benefits of patterns. 9 Differentiate pattern and framework.
10 What is meant by a subsystem.
11 What are the types of relationships between subsystems. 12 What are the two forms of layered architecture.
13 Differentiate layers and partitions.
14 How layers and partitions can be combined.
15 What is inherent concurrency. How to identify it.
16 How the subsystems can be allocated to hardware units.
17 What are the main reasons for implementing subsystems in hardware. 18 What are the reasons for assigning tasks to processors.
19 How to determine physical connectivity among the units. 20 What are the different kinds of global resources.
21 Differentiate: internal and external control flow.
22 What is the advantage of using procedure driven control. 23 What is the advantage of using event driven control.
24 What are the issues regarding boundary conditions. 25 Give some architectural styles.
26 What is batch transformation.
27 What are the steps for designing a batch transformation. 28 What is continuous transformation.
29 What are the steps for designing a continuous transformation. 30 What is an interactive interface.
31 What are the steps for designing an interactive interface. 32 What is a dynamic simulation.
33 What are the steps for designing a dynamic simulation.
34 What are the different types of real time systems. Give examples. 35 What is a transaction manager.
36 What are the steps for designing an information system. 37 Draw and explain the architecture of ATM systems.
Class design, Implementation Modeling, Legacy Systems
1 What are the steps for class design. 2 How to realize use cases.
3 What are the steps to design algorithms.
4 How to choose data structures.
5 How to assign operations to classes.
6 What are the two methods for downward recursion. 7 What is meant by refactoring.
8 What are the tasks involved in design optimization.
9 How to optimize algorithms.
10 What are the ways to save derived values. 11 What are the steps to form inheritance.
12 What is to be done to increase the chance of inheritance. 13 What is meant by abstraction of common behaviour.
14 What is meant by delegation.
15 What are the steps for organizing a class design. 16 What are the ways for information hiding.
17 Differentiate : implementation and policy.
18 What are the steps involved in implementation modeling. 19 How one way associations are implemented.
20 What are the approaches for implementing two way associations. 21 Techniques for implementing advanced associations.
22 Write short notes on :unit testing. 23 Write short notes on :system testing.
24 What is meant by reverse engineering.
25 Compare forward and reverse engineering. 26 Discuss the inputs to reverse engineering. 27 Discuss the outputs of reverse engineering.
28 What are the phases involved in building a class model. 29 Write short notes on building interaction model.
30 Write short notes on wrapping.
31 What are the five stages of software movement
Chapter-7 Design Patterns-I
1 What is a pattern and what makes a pattern.
2 What are the categories of patterns.
3 Explain the relationships among patterns.
4 Write short notes on communication patterns. 5 Explain the concept of forwarder-receiver.
6 What is the role of dispatcher in client server communication. 7 Explain the concept of publisher-subscriber.
8 Explain management patterns.
Design Patterns-II
1 Write short notes on command processor. 2 What is meant by an idiom.
3 What can idioms provide. 4 Where to find idioms.
5 Write short notes on idioms and their style of usage.
6 Write the steps to implement the counted pointer idion.