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10CS55 Computer Networks I Question Bank

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Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)

Computer Networks I - 10CS55
Fifth Semester - 5th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)

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UNIT 1: This Chapter addresses four issues: i) Define Data communications, ii) Defines networks as a highway on which data can travel iii) the internet which is a
good example of a network of networks .iv) protocols & standards. It also gives a
general idea of the layers of a network and functions of each layer.

1. Define data communications. Explain its four fundamental characteristics
2. Draw basic block diagram of data communication systems and explain different components of system
3. Describe Simplex, half-duplex and full duplex methods of data flow
4. Define performance, reliability and security.
5. Explain in detail point to point and multipoint connection
6. Describe different topologies in which a network is laid out Physically.
7. List the differences between LAN,WAN and MAN networks with examples
8. What are ISPS? List different types of ISP’S and functions in brief?
9. Define protocol and explain key elements of protocol.
10 Name the four basic network topologies and cite an advantage of each type.
11. Explain the three criteria necessary for an effective and efficient Network.
12. List the seven layers and its functionality in OSI model.
13. Explain the duties of Physical layer and Data Link layer in OSI model.
14. List the responsibilities of the Network layer and Transport layer.
15. What is the difference between a port address, a logical address and a physical address?
16. Give some advantages & disadvantages of combining the session, presentation and application layer in the OSI model into one single
application layer in the internet model.
17. Explain the functions of session, presentation and application layer in detail.
18. Explain TCP/IP architecture with a layer diagram.
19. What are the functions of IP, ARP, RARP, ICMP, and IGMP Protocols at network layer?
20. Explain UDP, TCP, and SCTP Protocols at transport layer?
22. What is data communications? What are its characteristics? Explain.
23. Define the following terms : i) Protocol ii) Internet
24. Describe with neat diagram the functionalities of each layer in the OSI model.
25. Explain the functionalities of OSI Model and Internet Architecture.
26. Explain the TCP/IP reference model with examples of protocols to each layer in the form of TCP/IP protocol suite.
27. Write in detail how all the layers in ISO/OSI model work together for network operations.
28. Explain the importance of layered study of communication network with definition to layer, service and protocols.
29. What are the uses of a layered network model? Compare OSI and TCP/IP models.
30. What are the differences between port address, logical address and a physical address?
31. Explain the functions a network must provide?
32. What is the difference between physical address, network address and domain name?
33. With a neat diagram explain mesh topology and star topology with application of each.
34. What are standards? Name any four standard organizations.
35. Explain OSI reference model with functions of following layers
i)Physical layer ii)Data link layer iii)Network layer
36. Differentiate between i) ARP and RARP ii) ICMP & IGMP
iii) UDP & TCP
37. Explain OSI Reference model with neat figure.
38. What is protocol? What are its key elements ?
39. What is data communication? What are its four fundamental characteristics?

UNIT 2: This Objective is to give idea on the bottom most layer , physical layer that actually interacts with the transmission media. It addresses the various tasks performed and services provided by the physical layer to data link layer. We learn the advantages and disadvantages of digital transmission over analog. Also learn various schemes and techniques that we use to transmit data digitally.

1. Distinguish between baseband transmission and broadband transmission with examples.
2. Define analog ,digital, periodic and non-periodic signals and sketch these signals.
3. Draw a sine wave and explain the various parameters it represents and draw a sketch representing each of them.

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