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Visvesvaraya Technological University - VTU
Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
Database Management Systems - 10CS54
Fifth Semester - 5th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
Question Bank
(Regulation/Scheme 2010)
Database Management Systems - 10CS54
Fifth Semester - 5th
Computer Science Engineering - CSE
(Common to Information Science Engineering)
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Chapter 1: Introduction to Database Systems
Objective: Databases and data base system have become an essential component of everyday life
in modern society. In course of a day, most of us encounter several activities that involve some interaction with database such as bank, supermarket etc.
To understand the fundamentals of database technology, however we must start from the basics of traditional database applications. We will start with what is database and other definitions .Then we will study characteristics of database systems and categorize the types of personnel whose jobs involve using and interacting with database systems
1. Define the following terms
a) Database b) DBMS c) Program & Data independence d) end user e)DBA f) Data model g) Database schema h) DDL
i) External schema j) conceptual schema k) DML l) VDL
2. Explain: i) Logical data independence ii) Physical data independence
3. Describe the role of DBA in DBMS
4. Define Schema and instance.
5. What are the elements of a database?
6. Why do we need DBMS?
7. Explain each of the following with advantage and disadvantage of its own?
i) Hierarchical data base model.ii) Network database mode.iii) Object Oriented database model.
8. Discuss some types of database utilities and their functions. 06
9. Discuss the different classifications of DBMS. 06
10. What is a database schema? What is the difference between external and internal schema?
11. What are the characteristics of a data in a database? 06
12. With a neat diagram, explain Three-Schema-Architecture. 06*
13. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach. 08
14. What are the responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers? 08
15. What is the difference between logical data independence and physical data independence? Which is easier to accomplish? Why?
Define the following terms
a) Entity
b) Attribute
c) Relationship instance
d) Multi valued Attribute.
16. How is traditional file processing different from database approach? 08*
17. Explain the types of software components which constitute a DBMS and the types of computer system software with which DMBS interacts.
18. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach. 08
19. What are the responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers? 08
20. Discuss some types of database utilities and their functions. 08
21. What do you mean by Database Management System? Explain the various advantages of using a Database management System?
22. With a neat figure explain the database system. 10
23. Who are the different types of database end users? Discuss the main activities of each of them.
24. What is a database? Why do we need a database? Describe the organization of database?
25. Explain the advantages of database approach over file processing.
26. Who are the different types of database end users? Discuss the main activities of each of them.
27. Explain the different types of user-friendly interfaces provided by DBMS and the types of users who typically use each.
28. List out eight advantages of data base approach over file processing system and explain any four advantages in brief.
29. Describe the three-schema architecture. Why do we need the mappings between different schema levels? How do different schema definition languages support this architecture?
30. Describe the functions which are required to be performed by the database administrator.
31. What are the disadvantages of database system? Explain them briefly. 05*
32. Write the general architecture of typical DBMS. What are the effects of data independence in DBMS?
33. What are the different levels of abstraction of a DBMS? Briefly explain each of them. 06*
34. What does defining, manipulating and sharing of a database mean ? 06
Chapter 2: Entity-Relationship Model
Objective: In this chapter we follow the traditional approach of concentrating on the data base structures and constraints during database design. Modeling concepts of the Entity-Relationship model, which is a popular high level conceptual data model is discussed next.
Diagrammatic notation associated with the ER model known as ER diagrams are discussed. The architecture which is mostly used in all database designs is learnt here. Also the ER diagram which is the most effective way of conveying how the database works is looked into.
1. Define the following terms
a) entity b) attribute c) key attribute d) attribute value e) stored attribute f) derived attribute g) multi valued attribute h) composite attribute i) Weak Entity j) mapping constraints k) Cardinality Ratio l) Degree of relationm) Participation constraint n) Candidate key o)Foreign keyp)Super key
2. Explain the difference between an attribute and value set. 04
3. What is the difference between the terms Relations and Relation Scheme. 04
4. With example explain strong and weak entities. 04*
5. Explain any 4 types of attributes in ER model with an example 04*
6. Explain different type of attributes in ER model with an example. 06*