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Anna University Question Paper Code : 21200
Fourth Semester
Civil Engineering
CE 2251/CE 42/CE 1251/10111 CE 402/080100018 — SOIL MECHANICS
(Regulation 2008/2010)
(Common to PTCE 2251 — Soil Mechanics for B.E. (Part — Time) Third Semester —Civil Engineering — Regulation 2009)
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PART A -- (10 x 2= 20 marks)
1. If the liquidity index of a soil is zero..Find its consistency index.
2. The dry density of a soil and its specific gravity of solids are respectively 18KN/m3 and 2.7 find the moisture content required to have 100% saturation of the soil.
3. In a laboratory permeability test on a clayey soil, the diameter of the stand pipe is 2 cm and the diameter of the perrneameter is 120 cm. the height of the mould is 130 cm. Determine the time taken for the head of water in the stand pipe to drop from 190 cm to 150 cm.
4. What are the different types of soil water?
5. What is mean by effective stress of a soil?
6. Define secondary consolidation.
7. Write down any four advantages of direct shear test.
8. Write down the expressions to determine the shear strength of soil by vane shear test.
9. What are the different types of slope failures?
10. Write about the Taylors stability Number.