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Anna University Question Paper Code : 51562
Sixth Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
IT 2354/IT 64/10144 IT 605/l044 CSE 26 — EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
(Common to Information Technology)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
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PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. List the characteristics of embedded computing,
2. What is the difference between the Harvard and von Neumann architectures?
3. What is-the- purpose of CPSR and Z bit?
4. What is the average memory access time of a machine whose hit rate is 93%, with a cache access time of 5 ns and a main memory access time of 80 ns?
5. Draw the timing diagram for a write operation on a bus in which the write takes two wait states.
6. Provide examples of blocking and non-blocking interprocess communication.
7. Use assembly code to show the flow control between co-routines.
8. Write the ARM assembly code to first read and then write a device memory mapped to location 0X2100.
9. What skills might be useful in a cross-functional team that. is responsible for _ designing a set-top box?
10. Write the differences between waterfall and spiral development model.
PART B (5 x 16= 80 marks)
11. (a) Explain major levels of abstraction in design process for GPS Moving Map.
(b) Explain with necessary coding and examples, how flow of control is changed using branch instruction in ARM.
Sixth Semester
Computer Science and Engineering
IT 2354/IT 64/10144 IT 605/l044 CSE 26 — EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
(Common to Information Technology)
(Regulation 2008/2010)
University Papers | Syllabus | Entrance Exam | Govt & PSU Papers | Bank Papers
Programming Questions | Travel Tips | Mobile Review | Placement Papers | Books
For More Question paper of CSE - CLICK HERE
For more question paper of IT - CLICK HERE
PART A — (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. List the characteristics of embedded computing,
2. What is the difference between the Harvard and von Neumann architectures?
3. What is-the- purpose of CPSR and Z bit?
4. What is the average memory access time of a machine whose hit rate is 93%, with a cache access time of 5 ns and a main memory access time of 80 ns?
5. Draw the timing diagram for a write operation on a bus in which the write takes two wait states.
6. Provide examples of blocking and non-blocking interprocess communication.
7. Use assembly code to show the flow control between co-routines.
8. Write the ARM assembly code to first read and then write a device memory mapped to location 0X2100.
9. What skills might be useful in a cross-functional team that. is responsible for _ designing a set-top box?
10. Write the differences between waterfall and spiral development model.
PART B (5 x 16= 80 marks)
11. (a) Explain major levels of abstraction in design process for GPS Moving Map.
(b) Explain with necessary coding and examples, how flow of control is changed using branch instruction in ARM.