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Second semester
Applied Electronics
AP 9224/248207/AP 924/10244 AE 204 —EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
(Common to M.E., Computer and Communication, M.E., Communication Systems,
And M.E. VLSI Design)
(Regulation 2009)
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PART A— (10 × 2 = 20 marks)
1. What are the characteristics of embedded computing applications?
2. Discriminate between structural description and behavioural description of embedded system products.
3. What is a bus? What difference you make out between SHARC and ARM bus?
4. What is meant by parallelism with instructions?
5. Is Microcontroller based design or Microprocessor based design preferred for evolving embedded computing applications? Justify your choice.
6. List out two advantages of CAN bus.
7. What is the scope of deadline issues in the design life cycle of embedded computing applications?
8. What is scheduling and what is its significance with the embedded computing applications?
9. Why is Quality assurance a significant parameter in the embedded design life cycle?
10. Personal Digital Assistance applications out number these days. What is the role of ASIC revolution for the design of PDA? Comment on it.
PART B— (5 × 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) Name one system design methodology for embedded computation application starting from survey of consumer requirements, specification transformation, design, development, testing, market and maintenance covering the complete design life cycle. Taking Ink jet printer or Telephone PBX as a produce.
(b) How to partition hardware and software functionalities of an integrated product with respect to the design part of hardware and software?
12. (a) Explain the clock driven approach and priority driven approach in designing and testing the real time characteristics of embedded systems. What are the issues in handling timing constraints?
(b) How is scheduling managed for dynamic and static embedded applications? What is the impact of off-scheduling and on-scheduling in dynamic and static embedded
13. (a) Explain in detail the networks for embedded systems and link supports with respect to performance, speed and coverage.
(b) How do allocation and scheduling simplify the communication among networks or within a node itself? Discuss how well a hardware platform design support the
14. (a) How is memory organized in SHARC processor for embedded application? What features of the processor are more suitable to solving real world problems? How is parallelism made possible?
b) Explain the interface scheme for microprocessor based embedded computing development. Illustrate a live example explaining the several phases of coding with
15. (a) What is the significance of an ARM processor supporting the embedded applications? Explain how the memory is organized and managed in that processor.
(b) Explain the need for description in system design. Discuss the various challenges to be met out in embedded computing system design illustrating a case study.