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Anna university question paper for Electrical And Electronics Engineering ( EEE ) department/branch semester examination. Download old papers, solved question banks, important questions with answers, Model question papers, important 16marks and 2marks questions with answer, syllabus, reference book for each subject for B.E / B.Tech 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2017 regulation for Anna university Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli/Trichy, Tirunelveli and Madurai affiliated colleges.
Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the semester exam order of first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.
Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination.
Anna university all semester examination books and study material can be accessed through below link. Feel free search for different subject books and authors. The link will provide both local and foreign author books for references. Share the page with friends and college students as required.
GATE papers can be a good practice for any competitive technical exams like DRDO, ISRO, REC, BEL, BHEL, GAIL, ONGC, IOC, NTPC, NHPC etc. As candidates we can prepare for GATE exams and try solving the papers for getting good score in other entrance examinations.
1st & 2nd Semester Papers: Click Here
MA8353 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE8351 Digital Logic Circuits
EE8391 Electromagnetic Theory
EE8301 Electrical Machines - I
EC8353 Electron Devices and Circuits
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
MA8491 Numerical Methods
EE8401 Electrical Machines - II
EE8402 Transmission and Distribution
EE8403 Measurements and Instrumentation
EE8451 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
IC8451 Control Systems
EE8501 Power System Analysis
EE8551 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EE8552 Power Electronics
EE8591 Digital Signal Processing
CS8392 Object Oriented Programming
EE8601 Solid State Drives
EE8602 Protection and Switchgear
EE8691 Embedded Systems
IC8651 Advanced Control System
EE8001 Visual Languages and Applications
EE8002 Design of Electrical Apparatus
EE8003 Power Systems Stability
EE8004 Modern Power Converters
GE8075 Intellectual Property Rights
RO8591 Principles of Robotics
EE8005 Special Electrical Machines
EE8006 Power Quality
EE8007 EHVAC Transmission
EC8395 Communication Engineering
EE8701 High Voltage Engineering
EE8702 Power System Operation and Control
EE8703 Renewable Energy Systems
GE8071 Disaster Management
GE8074 Human Rights
MG8491 Operations Research
MA8391 Probability and Statistics
EI8075 Fibre Optics and Laser Instrumentation
GE8072 Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development
EE8008 System Identification and Adaptive Control
CS8491 Computer Architecture
EE8009 Control of Electrical Drives
EC8095 VLSI Design
EE8010 Power Systems Transients
GE8077 Total Quality Management
EE8011 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
EE8012 Soft Computing Techniques
EE8013 Power Systems Dynamics
EE8014 SMPS and UPS
EE8015 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation
GE8076 Professional Ethics in Engineering
MG8591 Principles of Management
EE8016 Energy Management and Auditing
CS8391 Data Structures
EE8017 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
EE8018 Microcontroller Based System Design
EE8019 Smart Grid
EI8073 Biomedical Instrumentation
GE8073 Fundamentals of Nano Science
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits
EE6302 Electromagnetic Theory
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE6303 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
MA6459 Numerical Methods
EE6401 Electrical Machines - I
CS6456 Object Oriented Programming
EE6402 Transmission and Distribution
EE6403 Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing
EE6404 Measurements and Instrumentation
EE6501 Power System Analysis
EE6502 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
ME6701 Power Plant Engineering
EE6503 Power Electronics
EE6504 Electrical Machines - II
IC6501 Control Systems
EC6651 Communication Engineering
EE6601 Solid State Drives
EE6602 Embedded Systems
EE6603 Power System Operation and Control
EE6604 Design of Electrical Machines
EE6001 Visual Languages and Applications
IC6601 Advanced Control System
EE6002 Power System Transients
EE6003 Optimisation Techniques
EE6701 High Voltage Engineering
EE6702 Protection and Switchgear
EE6703 Special Electrical Machines
MG6851 Principles of Management
EI6703 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments
EI6704 Biomedical Instrumentation
EE6004 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
EE6005 Power Quality
EE6006 Applied Soft Computing
GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience
IC6002 System Identification and Adaptive Control
EE6007 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
EE6008 Microcontroller Based System Design
EE6801 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation
EE6009 Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems
EE6010 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
EE6011 Power System Dynamics
IC6003 Principles of Robotics
GE6083 Disaster Management
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
GE6757 Total Quality Management
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EE6012 Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
EC6601 VLSI Design
GE6084 Human Rights
MA6468 Probability and Statistics
EI6001 Data Structures and Algorithms
Electromagnetic Theory - EE2202
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits
EE6302 Electromagnetic Theory
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE6303 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
Sixth Semester - 6th:
Power System Operation and Control - EE2401
Protection & Switchgear - EE2402
Embedded Systems - 080280071
Electric Drives And Controls - 080280075
Special Electrical Machines - EE2403
Disaster Management - 080280074
Operating Systems - CS2411
Biomedical Instrumentation - EI2311
8. EE2025 Intelligent Control
9. EE2026 Power System Dynamics
1. CS2071 Computer Architecture
Total Quality Management - GE2022
EE6701 High Voltage Engineering
EE6702 Protection and Switchgear
EE6703 Special Electrical Machines
MG6851 Principles of Management
EI6703 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments
EI6704 Biomedical Instrumentation
EE6004 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
EE6005 Power Quality
EE6006 Applied Soft Computing
GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience
IC6002 System Identification and Adaptive Control
EE6007 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
EE6008 Microcontroller Based System Design
Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the semester exam order of first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.
Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination.
Anna university all semester examination books and study material can be accessed through below link. Feel free search for different subject books and authors. The link will provide both local and foreign author books for references. Share the page with friends and college students as required.
GATE papers can be a good practice for any competitive technical exams like DRDO, ISRO, REC, BEL, BHEL, GAIL, ONGC, IOC, NTPC, NHPC etc. As candidates we can prepare for GATE exams and try solving the papers for getting good score in other entrance examinations.
MA8353 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE8351 Digital Logic Circuits
EE8391 Electromagnetic Theory
EE8301 Electrical Machines - I
EC8353 Electron Devices and Circuits
ME8792 Power Plant Engineering
MA8491 Numerical Methods
EE8401 Electrical Machines - II
EE8402 Transmission and Distribution
EE8403 Measurements and Instrumentation
EE8451 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
IC8451 Control Systems
EE8501 Power System Analysis
EE8551 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EE8552 Power Electronics
EE8591 Digital Signal Processing
CS8392 Object Oriented Programming
EE8601 Solid State Drives
EE8602 Protection and Switchgear
EE8691 Embedded Systems
IC8651 Advanced Control System
EE8001 Visual Languages and Applications
EE8002 Design of Electrical Apparatus
EE8003 Power Systems Stability
EE8004 Modern Power Converters
GE8075 Intellectual Property Rights
RO8591 Principles of Robotics
EE8005 Special Electrical Machines
EE8006 Power Quality
EE8007 EHVAC Transmission
EC8395 Communication Engineering
EE8701 High Voltage Engineering
EE8702 Power System Operation and Control
EE8703 Renewable Energy Systems
GE8071 Disaster Management
GE8074 Human Rights
MG8491 Operations Research
MA8391 Probability and Statistics
EI8075 Fibre Optics and Laser Instrumentation
GE8072 Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development
EE8008 System Identification and Adaptive Control
CS8491 Computer Architecture
EE8009 Control of Electrical Drives
EC8095 VLSI Design
EE8010 Power Systems Transients
GE8077 Total Quality Management
EE8011 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
EE8012 Soft Computing Techniques
EE8013 Power Systems Dynamics
EE8014 SMPS and UPS
EE8015 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation
GE8076 Professional Ethics in Engineering
MG8591 Principles of Management
EE8016 Energy Management and Auditing
CS8391 Data Structures
EE8017 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
EE8018 Microcontroller Based System Design
EE8019 Smart Grid
EI8073 Biomedical Instrumentation
GE8073 Fundamentals of Nano Science
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits
EE6302 Electromagnetic Theory
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE6303 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
MA6459 Numerical Methods
EE6401 Electrical Machines - I
CS6456 Object Oriented Programming
EE6402 Transmission and Distribution
EE6403 Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing
EE6404 Measurements and Instrumentation
EE6501 Power System Analysis
EE6502 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
ME6701 Power Plant Engineering
EE6503 Power Electronics
EE6504 Electrical Machines - II
IC6501 Control Systems
EC6651 Communication Engineering
EE6601 Solid State Drives
EE6602 Embedded Systems
EE6603 Power System Operation and Control
EE6604 Design of Electrical Machines
EE6001 Visual Languages and Applications
IC6601 Advanced Control System
EE6002 Power System Transients
EE6003 Optimisation Techniques
EE6701 High Voltage Engineering
EE6702 Protection and Switchgear
EE6703 Special Electrical Machines
MG6851 Principles of Management
EI6703 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments
EI6704 Biomedical Instrumentation
EE6004 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
EE6005 Power Quality
EE6006 Applied Soft Computing
GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience
IC6002 System Identification and Adaptive Control
EE6007 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
EE6008 Microcontroller Based System Design
EE6801 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation
EE6009 Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems
EE6010 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
EE6011 Power System Dynamics
IC6003 Principles of Robotics
GE6083 Disaster Management
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
GE6757 Total Quality Management
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EE6012 Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
EC6601 VLSI Design
GE6084 Human Rights
MA6468 Probability and Statistics
EI6001 Data Structures and Algorithms
Third Semester - 3rd:
Transforms and Partial Differential Equation - MA2211
Electromagnetic Theory - EE2202
Environmental Science and Engineering - GE2211
Environmental Science and Engineering - GE2021
Electronic Devices and Circuits - EE2203- 2 Marks Q&A
- Question Bank
Digital System Design - EE9204
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE6301 Digital Logic Circuits
EE6302 Electromagnetic Theory
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6202 Electronic Devices and Circuits
EE6303 Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications
Fourth Semester - 4th:
Numerical Methods - MA2264
Electrical Machines I - EE2251
Control Systems - EE2253
Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications - EE2254
Digital Logic Circuits - EE2255
Power Plant Engineering - EE2252
Control Systems - EE2253
Linear Integrated Circuits and Applications - EE2254
Digital Logic Circuits - EE2255
Power Plant Engineering - EE2252
MA6459 Numerical Methods
EE6401 Electrical Machines - I
CS6456 Object Oriented Programming
EE6402 Transmission and Distribution
EE6403 Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing
EE6404 Measurements and Instrumentation
EE6401 Electrical Machines - I
CS6456 Object Oriented Programming
EE6402 Transmission and Distribution
EE6403 Discrete Time Systems and Signal Processing
EE6404 Measurements and Instrumentation
1. EC2311 Communication Engineering
Digital Signal Processing - EC2314/EC2361
Object Oriented Programming - CS2311
Power Electronics - EE2301
Electrical Machines II - EE2302
EE6501 Power System Analysis
EE6502 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
ME6701 Power Plant Engineering
EE6503 Power Electronics
EE6504 Electrical Machines - II
IC6501 Control Systems
Digital Signal Processing - EC2314/EC2361
Object Oriented Programming - CS2311
Power Electronics - EE2301
Electrical Machines II - EE2302
- MAY / JUNE 2014 - Reg 2008/2009/2010
EE6501 Power System Analysis
EE6502 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
ME6701 Power Plant Engineering
EE6503 Power Electronics
EE6504 Electrical Machines - II
IC6501 Control Systems
Sixth Semester - 6th:
Power System Analysis - EE2351
Solid State Drives - EE2352
High Voltage Engineering - EE2353
Microprocessors and Micro controller - EE2354
Design of Electrical Machine - EE2355
Computer Networks - CS2363
EI2404 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments
2. CS2070 Visual Languages and Applications
3. IC2351 Advanced Control System
4. EE2023 Robotics and Automation
Professional Ethics in Engineering / Professional Ethics And Human Values - GE2025
Power System Transients - EE2027
EC6651 Communication Engineering
EE6601 Solid State Drives
EE6602 Embedded Systems
EE6603 Power System Operation and Control
EE6604 Design of Electrical Machines
EE6001 Visual Languages and Applications
IC6601 Advanced Control System
EE6002 Power System Transients
EE6003 Optimisation Techniques
Solid State Drives - EE2352
- MAY / JUNE 2014 - Reg 2008/2009/2010
EI2404 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments
2. CS2070 Visual Languages and Applications
3. IC2351 Advanced Control System
4. EE2023 Robotics and Automation
Professional Ethics in Engineering / Professional Ethics And Human Values - GE2025
EC6651 Communication Engineering
EE6601 Solid State Drives
EE6602 Embedded Systems
EE6603 Power System Operation and Control
EE6604 Design of Electrical Machines
EE6001 Visual Languages and Applications
IC6601 Advanced Control System
EE6002 Power System Transients
EE6003 Optimisation Techniques
Protection & Switchgear - EE2402
Embedded Systems - 080280071
Electric Drives And Controls - 080280075
Special Electrical Machines - EE2403
Disaster Management - 080280074
Principle of Management - MG2351
Biomedical Instrumentation - EI2311
8. EE2025 Intelligent Control
9. EE2026 Power System Dynamics
1. CS2071 Computer Architecture
Total Quality Management - GE2022
EE6701 High Voltage Engineering
EE6702 Protection and Switchgear
EE6703 Special Electrical Machines
MG6851 Principles of Management
EI6703 Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments
EI6704 Biomedical Instrumentation
EE6004 Flexible AC Transmission Systems
EE6005 Power Quality
EE6006 Applied Soft Computing
GE6081 Fundamentals of Nanoscience
IC6002 System Identification and Adaptive Control
EE6007 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
EE6008 Microcontroller Based System Design
Eighth Semester - 8th:
Electric Energy Generation, Utilization & Conservation - EE2451
12. EE2028 Power Quality
13. EE2029 System Identification and Adaptive control
14. EE2030 Operations Research
15. EI2403 VLSI Design
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission - EE2032
GE2023 Fundamental of NanoScience
18. EE2033 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
19. EE2034 Software for Circuit Simulation
20. EE2035 Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
Flexible AC Transmission Systems - EE2036
Electric Energy Generation, Utilization & Conservation - EE2451
13. EE2029 System Identification and Adaptive control
14. EE2030 Operations Research
15. EI2403 VLSI Design
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission - EE2032
GE2023 Fundamental of NanoScience
18. EE2033 Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
19. EE2034 Software for Circuit Simulation
20. EE2035 Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
Flexible AC Transmission Systems - EE2036
Neural Network And Fuzzy Logic Control - IC1403
EE6801 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation
EE6009 Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems
EE6010 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
EE6011 Power System Dynamics
IC6003 Principles of Robotics
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
GE6757 Total Quality Management
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EE6012 Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
EC6601 VLSI Design
EE6009 Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems
EE6010 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission
EE6011 Power System Dynamics
IC6003 Principles of Robotics
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
GE6757 Total Quality Management
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
EE6012 Computer Aided Design of Electrical Apparatus
EC6601 VLSI Design
do you have question paper in measurement and instrumentation on EEE..?
ReplyDeletetry searching in ECE i could not find what u r asking for
ReplyDeleteThanks was helpfull... :)
ReplyDeleteThank u so much
ReplyDeleteitz helpfull :)
eee links for oops papers are broken
ReplyDeleteI will look at it. Thanks for you information
ReplyDeleteEE2301 power elecronics previous year question papers
ReplyDeleteCan u organise every subject question paper into a single link....
ReplyDeletethank q very much ..its very usefull to clear ma arrear
ReplyDeleteneed nov/dec 2013 quuestion papers for 4th sem EEE
ReplyDeletei have need micro electromechanical system EE6007 questin paper nov dec2016 please send email address
I need electric energy generation,utilisation and conservation for previous year anna university question papars,if you have,please send hemasenthil.g@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteee8703 renewable energy system subject previous question paper send with me ssir
ReplyDeleteI have need 8010 power system transients privious question paper
ReplyDeleteR17 ee8017 important 2 mark and part b and c questions send me