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Anna university question paper for Electronics and Communication Engineering - ECE department/branch semester examination. Download old papers, solved question banks, important questions with answers, study material, reference books, Model question papers, important 16 marks and 2 marks questions with answer, syllabus, reference book for each subject for B.E / B.Tech 2008, 2013, 2014 and 2017 regulation for Anna university Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirappalli/Trichy, Tirunelveli and Madurai affiliated colleges.
Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the semester exam order of first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.
Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination.
Anna university all semester examination books and study material can be accessed through below link. Feel free search for different subject books and authors. The link will provide both local and foreign author books for references. Share the page with friends and college students as required.
GATE papers can be a good practice for any competitive technical exams like DRDO, ISRO, REC, BEL, BHEL, GAIL, ONGC, IOC, NTPC, NHPC etc. As candidates we can prepare for GATE exams and try solving the papers for getting good score in other entrance examinations.
1st & 2nd Semester Papers: Click Here
Find previous year questions papers listed subject wise below in the semester exam order of first - 1st, second - 2nd, third - 3rd, fourth - 4th, fifth - 5th, sixth - 6th, seventh - 7th and eighth - 8th semesters. All documents are in PDF format for downloading.
Hope this will help you in getting good marks in your semester examination.
Anna university all semester examination books and study material can be accessed through below link. Feel free search for different subject books and authors. The link will provide both local and foreign author books for references. Share the page with friends and college students as required.
GATE papers can be a good practice for any competitive technical exams like DRDO, ISRO, REC, BEL, BHEL, GAIL, ONGC, IOC, NTPC, NHPC etc. As candidates we can prepare for GATE exams and try solving the papers for getting good score in other entrance examinations.
1st & 2nd Semester Papers: Click Here
Third Semester:
MA8352 Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations
EC8393 Fundamentals of Data Structures In C
EC8351 Electronic Circuits- I
EC8352 Signals and Systems
EC8353 Electron Devices and Circuits
EC8392 Digital Electronics
EC8391 Control Systems Engineering
Forth Semester:
MA8451 Probability and Random Processes
EC8452 Electronic Circuits II
EC8491 Communication Theory
EC8451 Electromagnetic Fields
EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits
GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering
Fifth Semester:
EC8501 Digital Communication
EC8553 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
EC8552 Computer Architecture and Organization
EC8551 Communication Networks
Sixth Semester:
EC8691 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EC8095 VLSI Design
EC8652 Wireless Communication
MG8591 Principles of Management
EC8651 Transmission Lines and RF Systems
Seventh Semester:
EC8701 Antennas and Microwave Engineering
EC8751 Optical Communication
EC8791 Embedded and Real Time Systems
EC8702 Ad hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks
MA8352 Linear Algebra and Partial Differential Equations
EC8393 Fundamentals of Data Structures In C
EC8351 Electronic Circuits- I
EC8352 Signals and Systems
EC8353 Electron Devices and Circuits
EC8392 Digital Electronics
EC8391 Control Systems Engineering
Forth Semester:
MA8451 Probability and Random Processes
EC8452 Electronic Circuits II
EC8491 Communication Theory
EC8451 Electromagnetic Fields
EC8453 Linear Integrated Circuits
GE8291 Environmental Science and Engineering
Fifth Semester:
EC8501 Digital Communication
EC8553 Discrete-Time Signal Processing
EC8552 Computer Architecture and Organization
EC8551 Communication Networks
Sixth Semester:
EC8691 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EC8095 VLSI Design
EC8652 Wireless Communication
MG8591 Principles of Management
EC8651 Transmission Lines and RF Systems
Seventh Semester:
EC8701 Antennas and Microwave Engineering
EC8751 Optical Communication
EC8791 Embedded and Real Time Systems
EC8702 Ad hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks
Third Semester - 3rd:
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation
EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
EC6302 Digital Electronics
EC6303 Signals and Systems
EC6304 Electronic Circuits - I
Fourth Semester - 4th:
MA6451 Probability and Random Processes
EC6401 Electronic Circuits II
EC6402 Communication Theory
EC6403 Electromagnetic Fields
EC6404 Linear Integrated Circuits
EC6405 Control System Engineering
Fifth Semester - 5th:
EC6501 Digital Communication
EC6502 Principles of Digital Signal Processing
EC6503 Transmission Lines and Wave Guides
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Sixth Semester - 6th:
MG6851 Principles of Management
CS6303 Computer Architecture
CS6551 Computer Networks
EC6601 VLSI Design
EC6602 Antenna and Wave propagation
EC6001 Medical Electronics
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
CS6401 Operating Systems
EC6003 Robotics and Automation
Seventh Semester - 7th:
EC6701 RF and Microwave Engineering
EC6007 Speech Processing
EC6008 Web Technology
EC6009 Advanced Computer Architecture
EC6010 Electronics Packaging
EC6011 Electro Magnetic Interference and Compatibility
EC6004 Satellite Communication
EC6005 Electronic Testing
EC6006 Avionics
CS6012 Soft Computing
IT6005 Digital Image Processing
EC6012 CMOS Analog IC Design
EC6013 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EC6014 Cognitive Radio
EC6015 Radar and Navigational Aids
EC6016 Opto Electronic Devices
Eight Semester - 8th:
EC6802 Wireless Networks
EC6801 Wireless Communication
EC6017 RF System Design
CS6003 Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
GE6082 Indian Constitution and Society
EC6018 Multimedia Compression and Communication
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
EC6019 Data Converters
CS6701 Cryptography and Network Security
GE6757 Total Quality Management
MG6071 Entrepreneurship Development
MG6088 Software Project Management
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations
EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation
EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
EC6302 Digital Electronics
EC6303 Signals and Systems
EC6304 Electronic Circuits - I
Fourth Semester - 4th:
MA6451 Probability and Random Processes
EC6401 Electronic Circuits II
EC6402 Communication Theory
EC6403 Electromagnetic Fields
EC6404 Linear Integrated Circuits
EC6405 Control System Engineering
Fifth Semester - 5th:
EC6501 Digital Communication
EC6502 Principles of Digital Signal Processing
EC6503 Transmission Lines and Wave Guides
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Sixth Semester - 6th:
MG6851 Principles of Management
CS6303 Computer Architecture
CS6551 Computer Networks
EC6601 VLSI Design
EC6602 Antenna and Wave propagation
EC6001 Medical Electronics
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
CS6401 Operating Systems
EC6003 Robotics and Automation
Seventh Semester - 7th:
EC6701 RF and Microwave Engineering
EC6702 Optical Communication and Networks
EC6703 Embedded and Real Time SystemsEC6007 Speech Processing
EC6008 Web Technology
EC6009 Advanced Computer Architecture
EC6010 Electronics Packaging
EC6011 Electro Magnetic Interference and Compatibility
EC6004 Satellite Communication
EC6005 Electronic Testing
EC6006 Avionics
CS6012 Soft Computing
IT6005 Digital Image Processing
EC6012 CMOS Analog IC Design
EC6013 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EC6014 Cognitive Radio
EC6015 Radar and Navigational Aids
EC6016 Opto Electronic Devices
Eight Semester - 8th:
EC6802 Wireless Networks
EC6801 Wireless Communication
EC6017 RF System Design
CS6003 Ad hoc and Sensor Networks
GE6082 Indian Constitution and Society
EC6018 Multimedia Compression and Communication
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
EC6019 Data Converters
CS6701 Cryptography and Network Security
GE6757 Total Quality Management
MG6071 Entrepreneurship Development
MG6088 Software Project Management
Third Semester - 3rd:
Electronic Circuits I - EC2205
Data Structures & Object Oriented Programming in C++ - EC2202
Electrical Engineering - EC2201
Signals and Systems - EC2204
Transforms and Partial Differential Equation - MA2211
Digital Electronics - EC2203
Fourth Semester - 4th
Probability and Random Processes - MA2261
Communication Theory - EC2252
Electromagnetic Fields - EC2253
Linear Integrated Circuits - EC2254
Fifth Semester - 5th:
Computer Architecture and Organisation - EC2303
Transmission Lines and Wave Guides -EC2305
Digital Communication - EC2201
Microprocessors And Microcontrollers - EC2304
Digital Signal Processing - EC2302
Sixth Semester - 6th:
Antenna and Wave Propagation - EC2353
Medical Electronics - EC2021
Seventh Semester - 7th:
Digital Image Processing - EC2029
Wireless Communication - EC2401
RF and Microwave Engineering - EC2403
Optical Communication and Networks - EC2402
High Speed Networks - CS2060
Internet and Java - EC2028
Advanced Digital Signal Processing Computer Hardware And Interfacing - EC2030
Total Quality Management - GE2022
Cryptography and Network Security - EC2035
EC2036 Information Theory
GE2071 Intellectual Property Rights
Professional Ethics in Engineering / Professional Ethics And Human Values - GE2025
Advanced Microprocessors - EC2027
CS2053 Soft Computing
EC2037 Multimedia Compression and Communication
EC2039 Parallel and Distributed Processing
EC2031 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility
EC2033 Power Electronics
Television And Video Engineering - EC2034
EC2038 Nano Electronics EC2041 Avionics
Eight Semester - 8th:
Embedded and Real Time Systems - EC2042
Wireless networks - EC2043
EC2046 Advanced Electronic system design
Optoelectronic devices- EC2047
Mobile Adhoc Networks - EC2050
EC2051 Wireless Sensor Networks
EC2052 Remote Sensing
EC2053 Engineering Acoustics
EC2044 Telecommunication Switching and Networks
Satellite Communication - EC2045
EC2048 Telecommunication System Modeling and Simulation
EC2049 Radar and Navigational Aids
EC2054 Optical Networks
Electronic Circuits I - EC2205
Data Structures & Object Oriented Programming in C++ - EC2202
Electrical Engineering - EC2201
Signals and Systems - EC2204
- Question Bank
- MAY / JUNE 2014
- NOV / DEC 2013
- NOV / DEC 2012
- MAY / JUNE 2012
- NOV / DEC 2010
- APRIL / MAY 2010
Transforms and Partial Differential Equation - MA2211
- MAY / JUNE 2014
- MAY / JUNE 2011
Digital Electronics - EC2203
Fourth Semester - 4th
Probability and Random Processes - MA2261
Electronic Circuits II - EC2251
Communication Theory - EC2252
Electromagnetic Fields - EC2253
Linear Integrated Circuits - EC2254
Control Systems - EC2255
Fifth Semester - 5th:
Computer Architecture and Organisation - EC2303
Transmission Lines and Wave Guides -EC2305
Environmental Science and Engineering - GE 2021
- 2 Marks Q&A
- Question Bank
Microprocessors And Microcontrollers - EC2304
Digital Signal Processing - EC2302
Sixth Semester - 6th:
Computer Networks - EC2352
Principle of Management - MG2351
- Question Bank
- Essay Question with Ans
- NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 (Reg 2004 - MG1351)
- APRIL / MAY 2011
- MAY / JUNE 2014
Numerical Methods - MA2264
Multicore Programming - CS2021
Medical Electronics - EC2021
Solid State Electronic Devices - EC2023
Digital Switching and Transmission - EC9032
Telecommunication System modeling and simulation - EC9033
Multimedia Compression and Communication - EC9034
Digital Control Engineering - EC9039
Speech Processing - EC9041/IT2064
Operating Systems - EC9077/EC2022
Digital Switching and Transmission - EC9032
Telecommunication System modeling and simulation - EC9033
Multimedia Compression and Communication - EC9034
Digital Control Engineering - EC9039
Speech Processing - EC9041/IT2064
Operating Systems - EC9077/EC2022
Advanced Microprocessors - EC9080
Seventh Semester - 7th:
Digital Image Processing - EC2029
Wireless Communication - EC2401
RF and Microwave Engineering - EC2403
Optical Communication and Networks - EC2402
High Speed Networks - CS2060
Internet and Java - EC2028
Advanced Digital Signal Processing Computer Hardware And Interfacing - EC2030
Total Quality Management - GE2022
Cryptography and Network Security - EC2035
EC2036 Information Theory
GE2071 Intellectual Property Rights
Professional Ethics in Engineering / Professional Ethics And Human Values - GE2025
Advanced Microprocessors - EC2027
- NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2012 - 080290062
CS2053 Soft Computing
EC2037 Multimedia Compression and Communication
EC2039 Parallel and Distributed Processing
EC2031 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility
EC2033 Power Electronics
Television And Video Engineering - EC2034
EC2038 Nano Electronics EC2041 Avionics
Eight Semester - 8th:
Embedded and Real Time Systems - EC2042
Wireless networks - EC2043
EC2046 Advanced Electronic system design
Optoelectronic devices- EC2047
Mobile Adhoc Networks - EC2050
EC2051 Wireless Sensor Networks
EC2052 Remote Sensing
EC2053 Engineering Acoustics
EC2044 Telecommunication Switching and Networks
Satellite Communication - EC2045
EC2048 Telecommunication System Modeling and Simulation
EC2049 Radar and Navigational Aids
EC2054 Optical Networks
mechanics june 2008
ReplyDeleteI will update it few days time ....
ReplyDeleteadvanced microprocessors 7th sem elective
ReplyDeletei need high speed networks ,seventh (7) semester of ece ..please tel me
ReplyDeleteI need GE2151-Basic Electrical & Electronics Engg.. ppr of May/June 2008...pls
ReplyDeleteI need medical electronics 2012 question paper...
ReplyDeletethanks to this site
ReplyDeletethanks to this site for revealing all things.............
ReplyDeletei need ec2052 remote sensing question papers... please upload
ReplyDeleteI need EC6503 transmission lines and waveguides april may 2015 and 2013 (april / may and nov dec) question papers
ReplyDeletei need last 5 sem qust paper for wsn...pls update... searched many website bt not get it .. pls update...
ReplyDeletei want speech processing part B questions.searched many websites bt i dont get it.plsss plsss update
ReplyDeleteI need ec6012 previous year question paper